Friday, August 6, 2010

With a Perfect Absense of Balance / Imagine Nation

Imagine that one fine Summer day you should find yourself travelling through a beautiful national park.


You stop for a bite of lunch by the glacial river running through the nearby town and instantly decide you must further explore its imperfectly winding streets.


Turning the first town-corner, you could come face-to-face with a local's friendly house-pet, calmly and quietly munching wildflowers in the sun-drenched front yard.


Should all of these things occur to you... well, it might just look something very much like this >>


Feeling inspired? Share your favourite vacation pics and stories with us at we love to hear about the fun stuff you are doing!


{ special thanks to Ellis the Elk and to the ever-stunning Banff National Park }

1 comment:

  1. Ellis looks like a Molly to me - from her natural, dewey-eyed beauty and strong sense of self to her modest confidence and taste for flowers right down to the velvet covered ruffles on her elegant head. Yes, Ms. Ellis could be your next poster girl!
